Dec 16, 2017
In this episode we feature:
"Sing Ho for the Mead" by the Crow Women from their album "Crow Magic" which can be found at CD Baby
Lady Bridget brings us the Symbolism of the Yule Tree decorations
Sea Magic with Coyote teaches us about "Sea Witch Bottles"
"Worthy" by Mama Gina from her album "I Remember Love" which...
Nov 18, 2017
In this episode we feature:
"Urania Sings" song by Emerald Rose, from their album "Archives of Ages to Come" which can be purchased at
Rayna presents her workshop "Bees, Ants & Spiders as Spiritual Allies"
"Grandmother Tree" song by Mama Gina from her album "I Remember Love" which can be purchased...
Oct 19, 2017
In this episode we present:
Sep 17, 2017
In this episode we feature:
Weather Working with Lady Bridget
"The Eagle and the Owl" song by Mama Gina from her album "I Remember Love". Purchase her CD's at
"Eye of the Hurricane: Staying Grounded and Centered in a Chaotic World" presented by Jette, a workshop from Equinox in the Oaks 2017.
Jul 16, 2017
In this Episode we feature:
"Llew" a song by SilverBranch from their album "Hand to Hand" which sadly is no longer available.
Panel Discussion on "The Wicker Man" movie presentation, by Manny, Canu, and Heather Greene/
Walk the Talk: Feastware - by Lady Bridget
"Summer of the Fae" a song by Mama Gina from her album,...