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Dec 31, 2018

We present a workshop by Jason Mankey, as given at FPG Samhain 2018, called "The Magic of Initiations and Elevations".  See the show notes page for more information on his upcoming book.  

Also presented is "Santa Claus is Pagan Too" by Emerald Rose, from their album "Rants and Rambles."  You can purchase their music...

Oct 27, 2018

In this episode, we feature: 

Poem "The Witches Ballad" by Doreen Valiente, read by Coyote Morningstar;  

Beloved Dead at Samhain with Rayna; 

Poem "Fairy Blessing" written and read by Alpandia;

somg "Persephone" by Mama Gina, from her album "Goddess Kiss'd", Learn more about Mama Gina and purchased  her music at  

Sep 23, 2018

In this epsisode we feature: 

Silverbranch singing "Hand to Hand" from their album by the same name;

Pandie's Pagan Projects "Making Altar Cloths" with Alpandia;

Our Ancestors series features the Beloved Dead at Mabon with Rayna Templebee;

Lady Bridget does a workshop on Cleaning the Chakras with Sound;

Ginger Doss sings "The...

Aug 30, 2018

In this bonus episode we feature a workshop presented by Stephanie Woodfield called "The Cauldron of the Dagda" which was done at a prior Equinox in the Oaks Festival, in Florida.  

Plus two songs by Emerald Rose - "Irish Heartbeat" and "Whistler's Farewell" both from their album Archives of Ages to Come which can be...

Jul 27, 2018

In this episode we bring you: 

Pandie's Pagan Projects with Alpandia: Finding Cool Things for Your Altar

song "Bloduewedd" by Silverbranch, from their album "Hand to Hand"

Foodoo with Lady Bridget: Cooking Corn on the Cob

Sea Spells by the Seashore with Coyote Morningstar: Sea Gods

song "Wondrous Water" by the Crow...